#71: Rest for the weary

'Tis the season for hustle and bustle, busy holiday calendars, and lots on our plates...

But what about rest?

It's hard to really enjoy life when you're going through the motions and running on fumes. And the key to being out best and enjoying life is ... rest. So let's breathe some life back into your days. Let's grab ahold of purposeful rest that refuels and recharges you. Something that makes you feel alive again. Brings peace to your spirit and tranquility to your mind.

In this episode, we're talking about giving ourselves permission to rest and the truths surrounding rest. Just how can you be intentional about making rest a habit? We're diving into just that in this episode (and the next... so stay tuned).

Be sure to scroll to the bottom to leave your comments and share your ideas on rest. I'd love to hear from you!

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Christie Browning

Christie is a five-time HSPA award-winning writer with a long resume of creative, compelling writing. Her background includes journalism and marketing, which allows her to bring a specialized voice to the pieces created for her clients. On her own, Christie has written for newspapers, online magazines and major publications. For her clients, Christie produces web designs, press and media releases, blog articles, downloadable worksheets and flyers as well as social media content. Her long-time career as an entrepreneur gives her unique insight into what her clients need to promote their products, services and messages.


#72: Simple ways to add rest to your routine


#70: Finding joy in what we hate